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August 08, 2021

Flaunt your creativity with office wall decorations!

There are many factors to consider when renovating an office, such as space planning, designing the interior, lighting design, electrical & etc. During this complicated process of renovation, most of us tend to overlook the usefulness of a wall, leaving it behind & only decide on what to do with it until the very last moment. Our walls in the office in fact is a great tool to enhance our office design. An interesting wall design gives your office a focal point and leaves a deep impression on people. Check out the ideas below to uplift your office wall!

01 Hanging Crafts

White walls are calming as simple colours relax our mood. With some matching hanging decorations and appropriate lighting, you can almost cosy up the space instantly. You can also display motivational quotes on the office wall. Motivational quotes appeal to our subconscious mind, hence energizes us and prompts us to take positive actions.

02 Wall Mural Decorations

We can decorate the wall with some graphic decals or visuals that reflect the company value. Be sure to mix words and visuals in your decoration for greater balance. If you’re fond of DIY projects, why not turn those dried twigs and leaves into creative wall art? Wall decorations beautify the office and breathe new life into the space.

03 Stacked Stones


Whether it’s natural stone or manufactured cultured stone veneer, both have low water absorption, high acid resistance, great weathering resistance, good sound absorption, and is visually appealing. As the surface is rough and uneven, it creates layering when light is illuminated. This chic design will definitely “rock” your office!

04 Hidden Compartment

A hidden compartment works wonders especially when the space is limited. Install hidden compartments on the wall to store office supplies, or simply turn it into the Wall of Fame.

05 Green Walls

Nowadays, many offices begin to decorate their walls with greeneries. Not only do green walls beautify the office, but they also relieve your stress. Green walls are useful in softening the hard, concrete environment, creating a gentle yet vibrant landscape effect.

06 Scribble Wall

Why waste the space when we can utilise our office walls for ideas ignition or spark on discussions using writable materials? A good workspace will maximize the usage of every single inch of the place to ensure maximum collaboration is happening within the space. We can choose either colour glass wall or writable wall paint in different colours to blend it with the environment, making both functionality & aesthetics working in harmony.

There are many more ways to decorate your office wall. Let’s reimagine the current design and have fun invigorating your workplace with us!

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